
Saturday, October 30, 2010

news.outlookindia.com | J&K Interlocutors Confused, Bewildered: JKNPP

J&K Interlocutors Confused, Bewildered: JKNPP

Jammu | Oct 30, 2010


The Jammu and Kashmir National Panthers Party (JKNPP) said that the interlocutors who are entrusted with a highly sensitive task are "confused and bewildered" as the statements made by them in Srinagar and Jammu were "highly incompatible and irreconcilable".

"While in Kashmir the interlocutors made certain unsavoury and offensive remarks which were not in tune with the national mood, in Jammu the interlocutors took a U-turn favouring a solution based on consensus among all the three regions of the state," MLA and JKNPP chairman Harsh Dev Singh told reporters here.

The interlocutors created controversy by describing Kashmir as a 'dispute' and by entertaining proposals for 'azadi' mooted by certain quarters, he said.

"Their statements regarding the involvement of Pakistan as a party and holding talks with them and their suggestions for amendments in the Constitution to accommodate proposals were outside the purview of their assignment as interlocutors," Singh said.

He said the interlocutors were supposed to obtain views of different sections and report the same to the Government of India without propagating to the public their own personal views and opinions on the subject, adding, they should stick to the terms of reference and desist from making any provocative statements.

Alleging that the approach of the interlocutors was inconsistent and discordant with their assigned role, the JKNPP leader said the interlocutors had poor understanding of the history and polity of Jammu and Kashmir and that their visit to the Valley was an exercise in futility.
Filed On: Oct 30, 2010 13:59 IST

news.outlookindia.com | J&K:Sikhs Urge Hurriyat to Exempt Diwali from Agitation

J&K:Sikhs Urge Hurriyat to Exempt Diwali from Agitation

Srinagar | Oct 30, 2010


The Sikhs living in Kashmir today urged the hardline Hurriyat Conference chairman Syed Ali Shah Geelani to exempt Diwali day from the purview of its agitation to allow the community to celebrate the festival.

"We urge the Hurriyat Chairman Syed Ali Shah Geelani to exempt the Deepawali Day from agitation, so that Hindus can go to temples to offer prayers and Sikhs can visit gurudwaras," All Parties All Parties Sikh Coordination Committee (APSCC) Chairman Jagmohan Singh Raina said here.

Raina also asked the Sikhs and Hindus living in Kashmir to celebrate Diwali, the festival of light, with simplicity as the Valley has lost more than 100 lives during the five months of ongoing turmoil.

He said the Sikh community will express solidarity with the families, those who have lost their dear ones, on Diwali.

The APSCC members during the meeting also observed two minutes silence to pay homage to innocent civilians killed in the turmoil.
Filed On: Oct 30, 2010 13:57 IST

news.outlookindia.com | Posters in Srinagar Ask Hurriyat to Review Its Agitation

Posters in Srinagar Ask Hurriyat to Review Its Agitation

Srinagar | Oct 30, 2010


Posters appeared in the commercial hub of Lal Chowk and Residency Road in Srinagar city carrying a two-day ultimatum to hardline Hurriyat Conference to review its decision on continuing protest bandhs indefinitely.

Hundreds of posters issued in the name of hitherto unknown Jammu and Kashmir Islami Ittehad outfit appeared on the walls and shutters of shops in the city.

"The Hurriyat Conference should announce by October 31 as to who is calling the shots in Kashmir. Who should we listen to -- Hurriyat or stone-pelters?" the outfit asked.

The poster is apparently in response to incidents of stone-pelting in some parts of the Valley even on the days when the Hurriyat led by Syed Ali Shah Geelani suspends strikes and protests.

It said if the Hurriyat failed to respond by tomorrow, the situation in Kashmir will take a new turn from November 1 and all the responsibility will fall on the separatists.

"The benefits derived out of strikes and protests over the past four months are unemployment, destruction and bleak future for Kashmiri nation," it said.

The outfit urged the Hurriyat to consider the economic condition of the people before giving calls for strikes.

It also claimed that only a handful of stone-pelters were creating law and order problem in the Valley for their petty and personal interests.

"There are only 100 to 125 stone pelters who wait for deterioration of situation so that they can indulge in loot. There has been an incident in Zakura where they snatched jewellery from a woman," the outfit said.

It said unscrupulous elements were using social networking sites like Facebook to spread "lies" and "rumours" about non-existent atrocities committed by security forces.

"A few days back, they spread rumours about rape of a woman in Palhalan, which turned out to be a lie later on. However, it caused disturbances at many places in the Valley," the outfit said.

Eyewitnesses told PTI that the posters were pasted in the city in the wee hours on Saturday but most of these disappeared within hours.

Police officials said they were aware about the development but refused to comment on it.
Filed On: Oct 30, 2010 13:58 IST
FILED IN: J&K: The Hurriyat Conference |J&K

Friday, October 29, 2010

Serenading the secessionists by Chandan Mitra

Serenading the secessionists by Chandan Mitra

October 29, 2010   9:04:52 PM

Chandan Mitra

Those who spewed venom and espoused secession at a seminar on azadi in Delhi last week are criminals who must pay for their treasonable act

It can no longer be ignored as self-seeking antics of a publicity hound. Social celebrity and political busybody Arundhati Roy has truly crossed the line this time. Encouraged by the prominent publication of a despicable article that claimed India too needed azadi from Kashmir some months ago, she went overboard at a secessionist gathering in Delhi last Thursday, saying Kashmir ought to get azadi from “bhookhey-nangey (starving and naked)” India. She went on to repeat her earlier disparaging remarks on the country of her birth, calling India a “hollow superpower” from which “I dissociate”. 

If so, Ms Roy, the only honourable course left for you is to renounce Indian citizenship and migrate to whichever country will take you. I doubt if too many would enthusiastically lap up someone who is an avowed traitor. If she can do this to India, they would think, it must speak volumes for her moral fabric (if she has any in the first place). And nobody loves traitors and spies; they remain suspect, often despised, even if given shelter in another country for reasons of political expediency.

Despite her celebrity status, I have repeatedly taken up cudgels against Roy and her ilk for their brazenly seditious activities — be it over the 2001 terrorist attack on Parliament House which she alleged was a plot hatched by the Vajpayee Government to build up hysteria for going to war with Pakistan, or her championship of bloodthirsty Maoist insurgents, or Pakistan-sponsored, pro-Taliban secessionists in Jammu & Kashmir. As side-shows, her coterie also supports sundry separatists in the North-East. Anybody who seeks to dismember India or promote a civil war in this country, receives full-throated moral (and probably also material) encouragement from motley groups that go into orgasms at the thought of India being ravished by AK-47 wielding insurgents.

I have a serious issue in this regard with my friend and predecessor as Pioneer Editor, Vinod Mehta, who has been Roy’s principal sponsor through the columns of Outlook magazine. I know Vinod loves iconoclasts and, contrary to his amiable persona, has an anarchist streak, but he has done great disservice to the country by allowing her to spew venom against India by repeatedly publishing her voluminous, rambling essays oozing hate. This is not the first time I am saying this; nor is this behind Vinod’s back as I have conveyed my feelings upfront on occasion. Criminals do not deserve a respectable platform; denying traitors the ‘oxygen of publicity’ is the only way to snuff out their diabolical machinations.

Arundhati Roy was not the only hardline India-basher and secessionist at Thursday’s Delhi seminar. A man who is proud to say he wants Kashmir to merge with Pakistan was the main draw at the gathering, presided over by SAR Geelani, acquitted by the Supreme Court in the Parliament House attack case after being initially sentenced to death. Incidentally, the acquittal order specifically noted the Court’s regret at not finding clinching evidence against him. They also collected an assortment of other secessionists, including a few ageing but vitriolic wannabes from Punjab, Nagaland and Manipur.

Arguably in a democracy everyone has the right to express his or her view, but is this right absolute and without reasonable restraints? If so, why are sections relating to sedition, creating communal disharmony, making inflammatory speeches and so on still in the statute books? The Constitution, not only in India but all mature democracies, guarantees free speech “within reasonable limits”. But what happens when these limits are crossed? 

A pusillanimous Indian state has watched helplessly as determined separatists repeatedly violated the Laxman-rekha and got away with it. Nobody, not even the otherwise stentorian judiciary, is prepared to enforce the law when it comes to these rabble-rousers. Arundhati Roy plunged into the Narmada Bachao Andolan once she realised the huge publicity potential it had. She deviously attempted to steal the limelight from Medha Patkar, who may be misguided, but is not a self-seeker of Roy’s calibre. When the Supreme Court, in which they repeatedly professed full faith, gave its verdict against them, the entire lot turned rebellious. They demonstrated outside the court premises, hurled abusive slogans at judges and indulged in rampant contempt of court. But they were let off with a mild censure by their lordships for offences for which lesser people would have been sentenced to jail for at least six months.

I doubt if our namby-pamby Government will have the guts even to lodge FIRs against the criminals who blasphemed India sitting in the heart of the national capital. I am even more distressed that Friday’s newspapers largely ignored Roy’s and Geelani’s outrageous sermonising and reported only that a shoe was thrown at Geelani and that Kashmiri Pandits tried unsuccessfully to disrupt the seminar. A strident critic of vandalism by goonda groups in newspaper/television channel offices, for once I regret the demonstrators failed in their mission on Thursday. 

Attempts at forcible disruption would not have been necessary had the Government acted in time and denied permission to these traitors to hold a public meeting to promote India’s dismemberment. Could the Government have been unaware that Syed Ali Shah Geelani, billed as the star of the show, had flown in from Srinagar with the express intent of fomenting sedition? Even in the Valley, where limits of the law are often stretched to allow separatists space, local authorities are compelled to put him under house arrest almost every other day. Thus, his views are no secret. So, should the Government have allowed him to mock the authority of the state and outrage the sentiment of Indians by holding court on Copernicus Marg? 

Was the Government unaware that a coalition of secessionists was being cobbled together with Arundhati Roy providing the glamour component? I am really waiting for the day when she renounces Indian citizenship and, hopefully, migrates to Taliban-held parts of Afghanistan, dons a burqa and is compelled not to step out of her house except in the company of a male relative! From the way she has been gunning for India while embracing secessionists that is probably the only way she can redeem herself in her own eyes.

Wishful desires apart, enough is now enough. The Government and civil society cannot take this open espousal of secession any longer. Unless action is taken against the organisers and speakers at Thursday’s treasonable gathering we will never manage to stem the torrent of seditious ideas. With what face can the Government invoke laws like waging war against the state or promoting sedition against small-fry in the North-East if it can’t act against the big fish? 

Civil society too has a role in isolating, boycotting and eventually excising these rabid elements and their promoters from our midst. I appeal to Editors like Vinod Mehta and those of various English language news channels (on many of which I appear regularly) to please introspect the impact of providing secessionists a platform to launch diatribes against the country. I know nationalism is not in fashion with our elite nowadays, but must we make secession and sedition fashionable instead?

news.outlookindia.com | Jammu:Interlocutors Visit Kashmiri Pandit Migrant Camps

Jammu:Interlocutors Visit Kashmiri Pandit Migrant Camps in Jammu

| Oct 28, 2010


Two of the three Centre-appointed interlocutors visited migrant camps of displaced Kashmiri Pandits at the outskirts of the city here to study their living conditions and understand their problems.

Journalist Dileep Padgaonkar and academician Radha Kumar drove to Muthi and Buta Nagar migrant camps early this morning to get a first-hand experience of living conditions, problems and aspirations of displaced Kashmiri Pandits here.

The community raised demands for the implementation of Prime Minister's Rehabilitation and Employment Package. They also claimed that the state government was ignoring them by not implementing the package, which was announced in 2005-06.

The interlocutors were told that Kashmiri Pandits can only return to the Valley if their safety and dignity were assured and would not live on the mercy of militants and separatists.

The issues related to the community like minority killings, employment, encroachment of land and properties and destruction of over 150 temples and shrines of Kashmiri Pandits in the Valley were also raised.

The interlocutors assured them that their viewpoint, problems and aspirations would be reflected in their reports to the central government.

Last evening, the interlocutors had gone to Kotbalwal Central Jail to meet senior separatist leader Shabir Ahmad Shah and Dukhtaran-e-Millat chief Asiya Andrabi.

Although, the interlocutors stayed in the room of Superintendent for about an half hour, they did not meet the two leaders.

The two demanded record of the number of the militants and separatists lodged in the jail from the Superintendent.

In Jammu, Padgaonkar decried the separatists for not meeting the team of interlocutors.

"We will not ask them to meet us if they are not interested," he said, adding the team had met everyone in the Valley except separatists.
Filed On: Oct 28, 2010 20:00 IST
FILED IN: J&K: Solutions | Dileep Padgaonkar | Radha Kumar |J&K|Jammu

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mr President, it is time to visit Mishriwalla- An open letter to President Kalam by Lalit Koul

Mr President, it is time to visit Mishriwalla- An open letter to President Kalam by Lalit Koul

Mr President, before I let you know where Mishriwalla is and why it is time for you to plan a visit there, let me first congratulate you on becoming India’s 11th President. This is truly an achievement. You have proven, by sheer hard work and perseverance, that anybody in this land of sadhus and rishis can achieve his/her goals.

You have also proven all those India-bashing critics -- who claim that in this so-called Hindu India, minorities (read Muslims) have it very tough -- wrong. These critics have lost their case and cause (this is their only cause for living). Your election to the highest office of the land is a testimony to India’s fairness in its treatment of its minorities (read Muslims).

By no means, I wish to suggest that you were elected because you are a Muslim by birth. You deserved it purely based on your own highly commendable credentials. But your election does dismiss the myth that minorities (read Muslims) in India are subjected to discrimination and are at the mercy of the majority (read Hindus). It is not just your election. It is your actions as well that convey the spirit of India, the nation that has embraced people of every faith without any discrimination.

Your visit to Gujarat to soothe the wounds of Muslim victims of the recent communal riots was noteworthy. The visit must have definitely pacified some sections of society. It must have displayed the compassion you carry for the downtrodden and the victims. And that is very very necessary for the victims to recuperate.

You also visited the victims of the Union Carbide Gas leak tragedy in Bhopal. This was another visit worth the effort.

Now let me come to the point of Mishriwalla. I am not entirely sure if you even know where Mishriwalla is. Thus to explain why it is time to visit Mishriwalla, I would like to give you some background.

In the days leading up to January 19, 1990, Islamic terrorists in the Kashmir valley engaged in the worst kind of ethnic cleansing by killing, raping, maiming and butchering Hindu men, women, children, young and old. The victims' only fault was that they believed in the Hindu way of life and in India. They believed in the Indian tricolor. Most of these victims were Kashmiri Hindus. Unlike in the Gujarat riots, Kashmiri Hindus did not retaliate. They did not retaliate because they did not and do not believe in raping women and killing children. They believed and still believe in the Indian Constitution, whose supreme protector is the President of India -- you, Mr President.

All these innocent victims of the modern day holocaust, escaped from the merciless killing by heading southward towards other parts of India, hoping that the rest of India will come to their rescue and will embrace them. While the general public embraced them and gave them shelter, their fundamental rights to basic security and dignity were trampled upon. For 13 long years these victims have lived like refugees in their own country -- in despicable conditions, in various refugee camps set up around Jammu and Delhi.

One of these refugee camps is in Mishriwalla, a small town on the outskirts of the city of Jammu.

It is shameful that in these past years, no public servants, those who have taken an oath to uphold the Constitution of India, have cared to visit these victims and fight for their cause. While everybody from top to bottom, including you Mr President, has visited Muslim refugee camps in Gujarat, nobody has ever paid any attention to the Kashmiri Hindu refugees.

Why is it so? Is it because 700,000 plus Kashmiri Hindus do not make a big vote bank? Is it because Kashmiri Hindus have already pledged their allegiance to India and thus can be taken for granted? Is it because Kashmiri Hindus do not play the card of azaadi? Or is it because Kashmiri Hindus are not Muslims?

Since your position is nonpolitical and you have the power to influence public policy, I am hoping you will rise to the occasion and not just play to the galleries. I am hoping that you will not make any distinction between Hindu victims and Muslim victims.

Since you did not waste any time in visiting Gujarat, I am sure you can make some time for Mishriwalla as well. You have taken an oath to uphold the Constitution of India and protect the fundamental rights of all those who believe in the Indian Constitution. And that is exactly what Kashmiri Hindus do. But the sad fact is that in spite of their sacrifices and their unflinching commitment towards India, it is these victims who have been denied their fundamental rights. After 13 years in these unbearable camps, they cannot even exercise their right to franchise. There is no bigger tragedy than losing the right to vote in a democracy like India.

Mr President, you have already visited Muslim victims in Gujarat. Now it is time for you to visit Mishriwalla and fight for the victims of the worst ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Islamic terrorists. One more reason you should visit Mishriwalla is because you are above politics and petty communalism, unlike the so-called people's representatives who have shown total apathy towards the plight of Kashmiri Hindus. If your secular and moral credentials are to remain intact, you must urgently bring to the notice of sleeping politicians, the festering sore of Kashmiri Hindu camps in Jammu and elsewhere.

And please bear in mind that these Kashmiri Hindu victims have pledged their unmitigated allegiance to India and its Constitution. For today, tomorrow and forever.

Lalit Koul
Mansfield, MA, USA

Lalit Koul is a member of the US-based Kashmir News Network and editor of a monthly journal Kashmir Herald

Pandits will return on their own terms by Lalit Koul

Pandits will return on their own terms by Lalit Koul
December 17, 2003 01:44 IST


In recent weeks, we have once again seen some chattering by local Jammu & Kashmir politicians, national politicians and Islamic terrorists about the return of Kashmiri Hindus to the Kashmir valley. Various forums, commissions, me-too-NGOs have propped up to talk about how Kashmiri Hindus can be resettled back in the valley.

One such front is a four-member Committee of National Minority Commission on rehabilitation of Kashmiri Hindus. Former Jammu and Kashmir [ Images ] chief secretary Musa Raza is leading the team. Other members of the delegation include Maulana Shafi Moonis, vice-president Jamaat-I-Islami Hind, Dr Qasim Rasool Isyas, All India [ Images ] Muslim Personal Law Board and Dr Navad Hamid, Movement for Empowerment of Muslim Indians. The modus operandi of this front is to visit Kashmir to create an 'atmosphere' in which Kashmiri Hindus can return to the valley with honor and dignity.

There is another facade (they call it a NGO) 'Maytri' floated by Taj Mohi-u-Din, a minister in Mufti Mohammed Sayeed's [ Images ] J&K government. The objective of this front too is to help Kashmiri Hindus return to Kashmir.

Taj Mohi-u-Din is apparently joined by 24 Kashmiri intellectuals -- retired judges, academicians, lawyers, writers and some journalists. Due to security concerns, he is not yet identifying these 24 intellectuals. His proposed plan is a cruel joke. This minister, who had the audacity to say that only 100 odd Kashmiri Hindus were killed during this latest ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Hindus, needs to study history and then remember it. As per his proposed plan, his first step is to approach
the imams of the villages and other Muslim leaders in the valley. This is what he has proposed:

''Once they (imams) are motivated, they can convince the villagers through Friday congregations. The youth, if motivated and mobilised, will go out of the way to make arrangements for the safe return of Kashmiri Pandits.'

'Kashmiri Muslims never wanted the Pandits out, it was just the fear psychosis.'

Has Taj Mohi-u-Din heard the venomous threats that were blasted through mosques' loudspeakers during late 1989 and early 1990? Has he seen the advertisements published in Kashmiri newspapers during the late 1980s and early 1990s? Does he know that those advertisements demanded Kashmiri Hindus to leave Kashmir within 24 hours or be killed? Does he remember the slogans in which Islamic terrorists demanded that they want Kashmir without Kashmiri Hindu males but with Kashmiri Hindu females? Does he remember all that? And he has the gall to say that Kashmiri Muslims never wanted the Pandits out? And where were those Kashmiri Muslims when their Kashmiri Hindu neighbors were getting raped and killed and dead bodies were being thrown in the middle of the road? Where were they? Acting like moot spectators makes them equally responsible.

It is one of the greatest tragedies in free democratic India when it is projected that Kashmiri Hindus' return to their own homes and hearth is dependent upon an imam in a Kashmir village. What can be worse than that? Are we saying it has come to such a pass that we are leaving everything to an imam? Taj Mohi-u-Din and all of us need to look back into history and see who was responsible for the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Hindus. Those people who are ignorant and need more information, need to at least read the following books:
Under the Shadow of Militancy -- The Diary of an unknown Kashmiri by Tej N Dhar
Lost Rebellion by Manoj Joshi (at least Pages 61 to 70)

Here is an excerpt from Manoj Joshi's book:

'G K Muju was a lecturer at the Medical College in Srinagar [ Images ] and a working committee member of the Kashmiri Pandit Conference. In February 1990, Muju was told that his name had been seen in hit lists passed by the militants in some mosques in the city. The following month, his family went through a number of harrowing incidents: people throwing stones at his house, mysterious phone calls, and so on. On 6 March, Muju, his wife and children left. However his eighty-year old father, a retired teacher, and his seventy-five-year old mother stayed behind. On 6 July, some intruders entered the house and brutally knifed the old couple to death. Nothing was taken away from their house.'

Did you notice the mention of mosques in this piece of factual information? And who runs these mosques? Yes, you guessed it right. 'Imam' is the right answer.

The above mentioned two books will remind ignorant people and those who have their heads buried in sand, how Kashmiri Hindus were mercilessly killed by Islamic zealots. And who promoted and harbored those Islamic zealots? Some of the imams Taj Mohi-u-Din wants to approach. Have we already forgotten the threats we heard coming out of mosques during the night of January 19, 1990?

Some of the imams were inside those mosques allowing all that to happen and possibly even participating in those
threats. And we are now going to talk to these imams to motivate them to take Kashmiri Hindus back? Is that what we have to do?

A few days back, Hurriyat/JKLF leader and terrorist Yasin Malik said the Pandits should keep themselves out of the political process. He said: 'They should remain neutral in the ongoing struggle, and lead a normal, peaceful life, without involving themselves.'

What exactly is Yasin Malik proposing? Is he saying that he has a fundamental right of self-determination and Kashmiri Hindus don't have a right to exercise their fundamental right of political voice? A terrorist can have a political voice and a peace-loving patriot cannot. What kind of standard is that?

Yasin Malik seems to be delusional. Let us remind him that Kashmiri Hindus are the only original inhabitants of the Kashmir valley and nobody on the face of this earth can deny them the right to their homeland. Kashmir belongs to Kashmiri Hindus. It has belonged to them since its inception and will continue to belong to them. Yasin Malik and his cronies cannot take away Kashmiri Hindus' fundamental right to live in their own homeland with full dignity, honor, security and rights.

In my honest opinion, it has been a grave mistake on the part of Kashmiri Hindus that they have never been seriously politically active in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. And it has proven to be a big disadvantage. It is about time that Kashmiri Hindus float a serious political party and actively engage in the politics of Jammu & Kashmir.

Kashmiri Hindus need to create their own political clout by creating their own vote bank. The vote bank they would create will help them in getting a seat at the negotiation table.

For all those self-styled peace-missionaries, for any reconciliation the first pre-requisite is to bring out the truth. In any such 'Truth and Reconciliation' commissions, you will first see the Truth and then the Reconciliation. And the first truth that has to be brought out is the truth about the people who are responsible for this worst ethnic cleansing that happened in Kashmir.

The first step in any approach has to be to convict the people who have been responsible for this ethnic cleansing. They cannot and should not go scot-free. Anybody who forgets that and allows it to happen will be held equally responsible for the worst ethnic cleansing of a particular community in the recent history of India.

Decent people should not forget that there are children in the Kashmiri Hindu community who don't have fathers because some Islamic terrorist killed their fathers. There are girls in this community who don't have brothers because an Islamic terrorist killed their brothers and then hid behind an imam in a mosque. And they were killed only because they were Kashmiri Hindus and believed in the Indian tri-color. If somebody is giving you some other reason and you are buying that, I would like to talk to you.

Let it be known to one and all that Kashmiri Hindus will surely return to their sacred homeland and will return on their own terms. Neither Mufti Sayeed nor Yasin Malik will dictate when and how Kashmiri Hindus can return to their cherished homes and hearth.

Lastly, a little advice to Taj Mohi-u-Din, Musa Raza, Yasin Malik et al: If there is anybody who will decide the time and manner in which Kashmiri Hindus will return to the abode of Kashyapa, it will be Kashmiri Hindus.
Lalit Koul

Plight of Kashmiri Pandits
by Aanand Math (View MyPage) on Jan 19, 2005 03:10 PM

Writing columns will not help Mr Kaul, go and try to retaliate, make a huge vote bank, force the government (both state and center) to provide adequate security to all minorities, file a PIL in Supreme Court, make it an international issue by writing to all internationally read newspapers and periodicals and, if required, defend yourself with the same means as being used against you. Then only, you'll be able to get back your lost property and pride.
And it'll be a good lesson to all the shamelss and slothful Indians.
Peace and cooperation are used with people who understand them and wants to use them. If they are hellbent on decimate you, you also do so. Even animals attack when tortured beyond limit, we are supposedly humans (are we).

by jill (View MyPage) on Dec 20, 2003 07:38 PM | Hide replies

firstly,do i need to remind that kashmir originally belonged to Hindu's and due to its proximity to borders,settlers from other cultures settled there,during that period thely were welcomed with open heart by the kashmiri hindu's,and now the situation is such that some politican is saying that they need permission of imams to return there?.Why cannot the Govt of India do something about it,and why has it not demanded the return of pakistani occuppied Kashmir till now which originally belongs to India?.Is our country so used to turning the other cheek?,when it will stop doing so,when will our childern be able to visit it rather than hear about it?.Times have changed, for a change let us be aggresive and progressive and unite and keep what is ours and take back what has been snacthed away from us?

Pandits of Kashmir
by Neeraj Rawat (View MyPage) on Dec 18, 2003 09:41 AM

I agree with the author and did witness the exodus of pandits from Kashmir during late 1980s and early 1990s. We remember very well when all of a sudden there was influx of well educated handsome guys looking for small jobs in New Delhi. They were desperate to keep their family running and have come to New Delhi and other parts of India, leaving all their belongings and savings in Kashmir.

What right do people like Yasin, Musa and others have to talk about Pandits coming back to Kashmir. I would say instead of Kashmiri Pandits its high time that we send 2 million Biharis/Haryanvis (pandits, Rajpuits, Yadavs and other OBCs) specially those who are homeless - to settle in Kshmir.

This will also add culture diversity and establish the bond (unity in diversity). The houses and other property that were left by Pandits should be used to provide employment and home to these new settlers from Bihar, UP, Homeless banjaras of Rajasthan/Gujarat and others.

Secondly, its also a high time to review the article 380. If a Kashmir resident is allowed to own a property in rest of India then why another Indian should not have the right to own a landed property in J&K.

Pandits will return on their own terms
by Dinkar B. Koppikar (View MyPage) on Dec 17, 2003 10:01 PM

However ancient a people may be in their land, once they leave it, whether by force or voluntarily, they can return to it, only if they have some kind of leverage to enforce the reurn. Palestinians have been out of their land since 1948 (whether voluntarily or forcibly) and demanding their return and trying to back their demand by guerilla warfare against Israel and support of some Middle Eastern countries. Even so the best they can hope for is a tiny piece of former Palestine called West Bank, and that too under overwhelming domination of Israel. Kashmiri Hindus have not created any such leverage (not necessarily a guerilla warfare), that would motivate current occupants of their ancient land either to retreat or to beseech Kashmiri Hindus to return. The author does not say how they will create such leverage. They can undertake political activity, but it is not clear how it will create the needed leverage. Hindu Sindhis and Panjabis cannot hope to return to their ancient land in Pakistan, nor Bengali Hindus in Bangladesh. There is no easy answer to this cruel historic dilemna.

by RAKESH KAUSHIK (View MyPage) on Dec 17, 2003 07:13 PM

I agree with what the author has stated. Kashmiri muslims have forgotten that their forefathers were also Kashmiri Pandits. They want to prove that they are holier than the Pope and are the only saviours of Islam just like Pakistan does. Greed is another reason towhy they have gladly participated in the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits. Kashmiri Pandits and Hindus owned massive properties in Kashmir. Kashmiri Pandits were getting most of the Central most of the jobs where competition was involved as Kashmiri Muslims were unable to compete with them. The lure of getting properties at throwaway prices and the certainty of getting jobs in Kashmir valley was a major reason for the Kashmiri Muslims wanting to get rid of Kashmiri Pandits. The leaders who talk about resettlement of Kashmiri Pandits know in their hearts that the Pandits will not return. So they do not lose anything by talking about their return. And nobody bothers because they are not a vote bank.

Pandits will return on their own terms
by Nancy (View MyPage) on Dec 17, 2003 06:57 PM

Dear Mr Lalit koul,
Thanks for once again bringing out the truth especially for those of our people who are hell bent on looking the other way. I fully agree with you that the return of kashmiri Hindus has to be according to their wishes and not at the mercy of Yasin Maliks and Mufti Sayeeds. How can anybody forget that it was this Chief minister who released 5 dreaded Islamic terrorists for his daughter and furthered the ethnic cleansing in the Valley. The actual victims of Islamic terrorism in Kashmir have been half amillion people who are today refugees in their own country. The suffering continues for them and their targetting as recent as the Nadimargs barbaric massacre.And several others who do not make the headlines. So much noise about the human rights of terrorists and not a word for the Kashmiri Pandits. SHAME. You have correctly pointed out the involvement of the locals in Islamic terrorism: whether active or passive . There are thousands of examples and those who disagree please visit the Valley. THe signs of destruction of Hindu homes, property and temples is open and for all to see. And patriotic Kashmiri pandits got: suffering,torture and yet continuing GENOCIDE..

Kashmiri Pandits
by sudheer (View MyPage) on Dec 17, 2003 03:36 PM


What an article he has written. I was completely taken aback by the plight of the Kashmiri Pandits. These terrorists and so callle imams should be taught a thorough lesson.
People loke Yasin malik and Mohi Udin should be booked under POTA.

Muslim Personal law board members like SHAHABUDDIN can only see the violation of human rights in Gujarat . They cannot see Hindus being murdered and slain in Kashmir. They adopt the policy of Selective criticism.

These people should be held accountable for their statements.

I would expect more such article from the side of the Lalit Kaul.

Truth Must Prevail.
by Vineet Kaul (View MyPage) on Dec 17, 2003 03:27 PM | Hide replies

Nothing could be more true than what you have said in your article. Before even blaming the Muslims of the valley, i sometimes feel that why did we not participate in the freedom struggle ? Why did we die for the tricolor ? What has any Indian done for us ? Do Indians even know what happened to Kashmiri Pandits ? This country and the way its society works is a shame. Kashmiri Pandits did not want money or fame or any other material stuff. They only wanted the truth to prevail. They only wanted the countrymen to acknowledge, " Yes, this community has massively suffered for loving their country"

But on the contrary, Kashmiri's who had properties worth millions are given a few thousand rupees to survive. Trust me the curse that has come out of each and every Kashmiri Pandit will not go waste. People who are directly or indirectly responsible for all the plight and misery of Pandits will suffer for their deeds.

Before i end one more thing, we have survived the hardest misery that could be forced on a community, we will be back and trust me THE WORLD WILL SEE !

Ps. For those who say Kashmiri muslims r still suffering, i agree but then they wanted Niza me Mustafa / Azadi.

RE:Truth Must Prevail.
by Vineet Kaul (View MyPage) on Dec 22, 2003 06:20 PM
Dear Mubashir:

Many thanks for your comments ! But let me tell u one thing, anyone who thinks that a Kashmiri Pandit has not suffered is either out of his/her senses or has lost the power to distinguish good from bad.

What i have suffered or lost is no one's business. As as far as Niza e Mustafa is concerned, before 1998, i like many other Kashmiris(both hindu and muslim) thought it was for good.

But i think you have forgotten how u used the loudspeakers of mosques from 1989 to 1991

As far as weeding out me or anyother Kashmiri is concerned, u have tried your best and with the Grace of Almighty GOD you have miserably failed.

I would pray to God to give you and others like you courage to accept your mistakes.

May God have mercy on you and your fellow accomplices !

PS. By the way before migration i did not have even one hindu friend, all my friends were muslims. And what my family has done for muslims in Kashmir, it will take people like you 10 rebirths to match that.

Return of Pandits to Kashmir
by C V R Bharati (View MyPage) on Dec 17, 2003 07:20 AM | Hide replies

I agree with the views expressed by Mr kul about Mr Yaseen Malik's statement. Mr Malik is unfair when he asks Pandits to return home to kashmir but then sit without any contribution/opinion when the issue of politicalprocess is discssed.This means Mr malik is talking about a second class citizenship for Kashmiri Hindus in Kashmir. This is not what democratic India stand for.
C V R Bharati

Mr Prime Minister, please walk the talk by Lalit Koul

Mr Prime Minister, please walk the talk by Lalit Koul

April 08, 2003 16:02 IST

May 14, 2002 (Kaluchak, Jammu)

A two-year-old baby is lying in his bed trying to sleep. His mother is telling him stories about his father, who is a soldier and has decided to give his life for his country. She is telling him how brave his father is and how proud he is of his service to the nation.

Suddenly, bullets start raining on the mother from all directions. Within seconds, she is lying dead next to her son. A dreaded terrorist appears at the door and takes a hard look at the crying baby. At the next moment, the terrorist empties his AK-47 into the baby. The baby lies silent in a pool of blood.

33 innocent people, including 11 women and 11 children, were gunned down by Islamic terrorists that day in Kaluchak, Jammu.

Let us fast forward to March 2003.

March 24, 2003 (Nadimarg, Kashmir)

Suraj, 4 and Malu, 5 are sleeping like little princes with their parents. Around midnight, 15 Islamic terrorists show up at their door and wake them up. They herd them to their neighbour's courtyard and in seconds shower them with bullets from automatic guns. The two princes are silenced forever along with their parents. Suraj had just celebrated his 4th birthday.

24 innocent people, including 11 women and 2 children, were gunned down by Islamic terrorists that day in Nadimarg, Kashmir.

That is the ground situation in Jammu and Kashmir. But who cares what is happening on the ground as long the sky is clear.

Yes, as long as the sky is clear.

'The sky is clear.' That is what you, Mr Prime Minister, told the media on May 23, 2002 after the Kaluchak massacre.

Is the sky really clear?

Or are you living on some other planet to which we common people don't have access to?

Let us take a hard look at the record of your great talk:

October 2, 2001 (In a letter to US President George W Bush [ Images ], after the suicide attack on the J&K assembly on October 1, 2001)

'Incidents of this kind raise questions for our security which, as a democratically elected leader of India [ Images ], I have to address in our supreme national interest. Pakistan must understand that there is a limit to the patience of the people of India.'

December 13, 2001 (Addressing the nation after the terrorist attack on the Indian Parliament in New Delhi [ Images ])

'Now the fight against terrorism has reached its last phase. We will fight it to the end. The attack was not only on Parliament but the entire nation. There should be no doubt in anybody's mind about the government's resolve to fight terrorism. We will all do it together. We will foil every attack.'

May 15, 2002 (Addressing the Indian Parliament after the Kaluchak massacre on May 14, 2002)

'Jammu attack was massacre of innocents and India must counter terror.'

May 22, 2002 (Addressing army soldiers during his visit to Kashmir)

'My visit here should be seen as a signal. Whether the neighbour understands it or not, the world understands or not, history will remember it and we will write a new history of victory. Our goal should be victory because now the time has come for a decisive fight and in this war, we will win. We have to fight our own war, we are ready for it, we are prepared for it.'

May 23, 2002 (Addressing a press conference)

'The situation is serious and it is a challenging situation, and we will meet the challenge. We will see what happens in the future. We had said war clouds were hovering, but sometimes lightning strikes even if the weather is clear. We hope that the lightning will not strike.'

Mr Prime Minister, after the Nadimarg massacre, you called a meeting of your Cabinet Committee of Security which, after condemning the bloodletting in 'the strongest terms,' warned of an intensified crackdown against Kashmiri terrorists. When on average 15 to 20 innocent Indian citizens become victims of Islamic terrorism every day, is the sky REALLY CLEAR?

Isn't it actually coloured red with the blood of thousands of innocent lives that have been mercilessly killed by Islamic terrorists?

Mr Prime Minister, you are known for your oratory skills and you are a man of few words. Unfortunately, the problem is that you are a man of words only. Action is not your hallmark.

To be a great leader, one has to walk the talk. Just talking does not serve any purpose. Instead, it encourages the adversaries (in this case Pakistan and its Islamic jihadi terrorists) to inflict more and more injury to our nation.

And all that talk without the required walk has resulted in more than 900 dead innocent Indians in the state of Jammu and Kashmir [ Images ] since September 2001.

On May 23, 2002, to a question whether you were satisfied with Pervez Musharraf's [ Images ] promise to fight terrorism, you said, 'No, I am disappointed. What is important is not making a declaration, but implementing it. Words must be matched by deeds and that has not happened.'

Mr Prime Minister, I, a proud Indian citizen, am disappointed with you. You have to match your words with deeds. And that is to do whatever it takes to defend India and its interests. That is precisely why you are the prime minister.

India cannot and need not listen to the advice of 'Restrain. Restrain. Restrain' from the White House, US State Department and Pentagon [ Images ]. Colin Powell's reasoning for giving us the 'Restrain' advice is Indo-Pak conflict at this time is going to adversely affect our war on terror.'

Apparently, in the eyes of US policy makers, it is okay to keep sacrificing the lives of innocent Indian until General Tommy Franks captures Osama bin Laden [ Images ] dead or alive in Afghanistan/Pakistan or Saddam Hussein [ Images ] in Iraq.

Everything else is secondary. The life of a two-year-old baby, who was gunned down by an Islamic terrorist and thus could not see his third spring, is apparently less precious than an American life.

Suraj who will never celebrate his fifth birthday has no value in the eyes of Colin Powell.

That is the logic of the United States. But that does not buy me and my fellow Indian citizens any peace and security. India needs to stand up for its rights, defend its territorial integrity and sovereignty, with or without the United States.

I wonder how you can sleep at night when two-year-old Indian babies are machine-gunned to death by Islamic terrorists. I certainly cannot.

Lalit Koul

Defaulter Geelani asked to pay 1.73 cr as IT dues

Defaulter Geelani asked to pay 1.73 cr as IT dues 


Tags : Kashmir, Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Hurriyat Conference
Posted: Wed Oct 27 2010, 16:41 hrs
New Delhi:

Income Tax department has asked hardline Kashmiri separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani to file Rs 1.73 crore in tax dues over a period when he had not filed his returns after rejecting his appeal.

The IT sleuths, which had swooped on residences of Geelani and his family members in 2002 and seized valuable items including a diamond-studded watch gifted by Pakistan Government, had raised a tax demand of over Rs 1.5 crore.

Geelani challenged the demand and approached the Commissioner of Income Tax (appeals) for review of the case and also sought a waiver, saying he did not earn anything other than the pension from Government of Jammu and Kashmir and from agriculture land.

The case dragged on for nearly three years and recently the appeal was dismissed after which he was asked to deposit Rs 1.73 crore as tax liabilities by end of 2010.

Geelani, who heads the breakaway faction of Hurriyat Conference, has still the option to go to the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT).

The Tax Department had raised the demand of Rs 1.73 crore against the firebrand Jamaat-e-Islami leader after giving him ample opportunities to furnish answers to a questionnaire about his sources of income.

The questionnaire followed an assessment of Geelani’s wealth by the department following a series of raids conducted at his house and other places in June 2002.

The department had raided Geelani’s house and other places of his kin on June 9, 2002 and seized Rs 10.2 lakh and 10,000 US dollars in cash, vouchers showing purchase of substantial amount of jewellery, a diamond-encrusted watch inscribed with “From Pakistan Government” besides documents pertaining to purchase of property and vehicles.

Geelani had shown an annual income of Rs 17,100--Rs 7,100 as pension from the state Assembly as a former MLA and Rs 10,000 as agriculture income.

However, according to the assessment made by the Income Tax Department, the monthly expenditure of Geelani allegedly ranged from Rs one lakh to Rs 1.5 lakh as he had 15 servants at his house and his wife had confirmed that she used to get Rs 25,000 per month for kitchen expenses.

When asked to comment, Geelani said he had not received the notice as yet and would like to first understand the grounds of rejection before reacting.

Readers Comments on Kashmir

Readers Comments on Kashmir

Aleem 16 hours ago

I want to tell the world whats happening in Kashmir as I have close family members in Srinagar.

With a fading insurgency, dipping public support and dwindling number of jihadists, the separatists and radicals have found a novel weapon in Jammu and Kashmir stone pelting.

The modus operandi has involved recruitment of a hundred odd stone pelters, with a large percentage of children amongst them, in a few areas of J&K. These cadres assemble as per a schedule that is circulated via Twitter, Facebook, SMS and such other means. Over ground workers of separatist and terror outfits muster men, women and children to congregate at the appointed place and time.

The crowd agitates forcing the deployment of police forces, and the core cadre starts pelting stones. The mob mentality takes over, the situation turns violent with the crowd braving the riot control arsenal till they draw fire.

It leads to the death of a few more, thereby providing the fodder for the Kashmir valley to remain on the boil, a little longer.

A wave of resentment in the populace forced the jihadists to call a halt. Today, the same child is pelting stones for about Rs 470 a day, in a sub-continent where millions live on less than about Rs 94 per day.

The goal is also to sell it as a mass movement in J&K. The stone throwing has been compared to the Intifada (uprising) in Palestine. However, THIS IS ANYTHING BUT A MASS MOVEMENT.

Tourism is amongst the more established industries in the Kashmir valley. A couple of seasons ago it was difficult to get a house boat on the famous Dal Lake in Srinagar [ Images ] without having booked months in advance. The stone pelting movement has been undertaken during the tourist season that starts around April and goes on up to October.

With the valley in turmoil, the average Kashmiri has taken a hard hit. They surely did not want any such trouble, and definitely not in the season when it would be detrimental to their annual earnings, the most.

The organisations behind the whole movement belong to the separatist and jihadi groups. It is been guided by the likes of Masarat Alam Bhat, who has already promised that the movement would intensify after Eid ul Fitr. Also involved are separatist leaders like Ayesha Andrabi of the Dukhtaraan-e-Millat, recently arrested by the state government.

Militancy was all but over; its back broken. However, the jihadis changed tactics. They came out with stones, evoking an emotional response.The objective remains to create a perception of the state authorities being brutal; a repressive regime that responds with a bullet to a mere stone being thrown at it.


in reply to Abhilash_847

The land of the Pandits was occupied by a foreign ideology called Islam. Isnt that how history records it? Not only that, the Pandits were treated shamefully by the colonizers. So why not sympathize with the Pandits for once? Are not their rights important?

in reply to Abhilash_847

" We have lived in India for 5000 years". -- This India included Kashmir.

"Muslims have lived in Kashmir for 400 years". So who gets priority? The one who has lived there for 5000 years, or the one who arrived merely 400 years back?

If you have lived in your house for 10 years, and I came there 5 years back, can I say you are colonizing my land?

So it is okay for say, Hindus settled in Malaysia for the last 150 years to demand azadi? Would it be alright for Indians to settle en masse in the Silicon Valley using liberal visa regimes and then demand azadi? Would it be okay for Pandits to demand azadi from "azad Kashmir"?

moon 15 hours ago

Gandhi made a big mistake. What has Pakistan's creation done for us? Did it bring peace to anyone in the subcontinent? Are the Pakistanis happy today? Are Indians happy? Are Muslims happy? Hindus happy? Who is happy because Pakistan was created? Only elite people like Jinnah, or the feudal lords who rule Pakistan and earn big bucks while the rest of the country implodes.

And Pakistan was created on the assumption that ALL Muslims will leave India. If more Muslims chose India than Pakistan, that WHO was Pakistan created for? Should we now demand that all Muslims settle in Pakistan now, as agreed in 1947?

Tomorrow some other Muslim majority district will want azadi...when all apples start rotting, you have to take steps to stop them from rotting, not give away your baskets along with the apples. The best way to stop the Kashmir rot would be to let Indians from other states settle there...within months, the problem will disappear and all "alienation" will vanish, and we wont have to keep the paramilitary stationed there forever.

moon 16 hours ago

Think honestly...when has ANY religion-based state given equal rights to its minorities? Saudi? Pakistan? Yemen?

If the Pandits were chased out once, why wont they be chased out again? What has changed in the Kashmiri mindset in the last 20 years? And if this demand for azadi is not one based on religion, then why are ALL separatists Muslim? If Kashmir had 100% Hindu population, we know the demand would never have been raised. So what does this prove?

Of course Geelani hopes India can become a superpower, so that it can fund "azad" Kashmir when it turns into another Pakistan and the US cannot spare funds for them as well. So they become azad, have their own silly laws in place, nurture jihadis from neighboring Pakistan, and India foots the bill.

If you cannot afford azadi, dont ask for it just so that you have your own piece of land to govern, like a zamindar. That is what happened to Pakistan. You cannot have you cake and eat it too.

Sanjiv Khushu 4 hours ago

Pradeep...its exactly for this reason that you are a persona non grata in Kashmir..a poor little Dali Batta as Kashmiri Muslims will pleasingly call you....and a refugee in your own country...

Kashmiri Muslims call people like you poor becharey Pandits....It may be fine with you but its not fine with me..AT ALL.

Its this because of this shameful spinelessness that you have betrayed in your article that today we are a rootless community....inspite of being the aboriginals of Kashmir.

Now listen very carefully ....We shall go back and re claim our Yerushalem...our Homeland....WE SHALL TAKE IT BACK...AND LIVE AGAIN THERE FOR A THOUSAND YEARS....INSPITE OF YOUR COWARDICE......

unlike you we are not apologists....we will fight this democratically till our last breath but with our spines intact...


I cant believe it...Geelani who is the fountain head of Islamic radicalism..and a leading Jammat E Islaami zealot is today singing in the choir with the so called HR activists...It is a complete oxymoron...and we shall not allow this to happen in our democratic India ....absolutely not allow this sham to be forced on India....PRDEEP THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE....

moon 4 hours ago in reply to Sanjiv Khushu

Second that. A community that has lived in Kashmir for thousands of years gets the first rights on the land. Simple as that. Certainly, they are NOT second-class citizens.

Start an intifada. That is what will turn the tide.

moon 16 hours ago

So, essentially, this means that tomorrow if I attend a conference and demand that India be given "azadi" from all Muslims and we should hold a plebiscite after which they can all be sent to Pakistan (as agreed in 1947), Mr. Pradeep M. will cheer for my freedom of speech and feel proud of our democratic values?

kapil 12 hours ago

So the Marxists have Unleashed their full fuery on the Indian Masses in the form of intellectual articles advocating Arundhati's stand for independence of Kashmir. Please ponder over the following questions assuming that these Marxists have their way and we grant Kashmir it's independence:
1) What would be the fate of Secularism in India after Kashmir's independence? Would'nt then the definition be curtailed to include only Non Muslim areas where secularism would be applicable?
2)From above, how would Muslims be treated in rest of India?. Mind you, India lives beyond the newsroom and homes of the Marxists authors. So the backlash against Muslims and Islam cannot be measured sitting in AC rooms of the Newspapers and TV studios
3)What about Northeast states and their yearning for independence? Should'nt people of Assam, Nagaland, Manipur etc just convert to Islam for getting the marxists intellectuals on their side and then pressing India for freedom
4) Most importantly, if this is what Democracy gives India , why would ordinary people accept this form of governance?
Nobody asked me whether I would like to live in Democracy, Nobody asked me if I have to accept Secularism , these foreign concepts were forced down my throat by the SAME PEOPLE who are now using these same concepts to advocate Kashmir's independence without realising how much pain is this causing to the rest of Aam aadmi.
Please refrain from causing further anguish and from adding fuel to fire otherwise these Vegetarian people who cant even kill Animals for Food will become Animals themselves.

Bhatt 5 hours ago in reply to CK

And not only that. Thrown out of your own homes and say that the Indian administration ( read JagMohan) was responsible for migration of pundits, forgetting conveniently that posters were pasted on thier doors to leave kashmir or face death. " Raliv, Galiv ya Mariv " was the slogan which means either merge with us, or dissolve with us or be dead....
How conveniently Geelani can say today that equal rights will be given to all the sections when his slogan is " Azadi ka matlab kya ...La illa illala" These are the half truths Mr. magazine

Raghu_79 17 hours ago

Even Jinnah promised Pakistan to be country that will give equal rights to everyone. We know the condition of non-muslims in Pakistan!

Pradeep Magazine is a typical leftist moron who is spreading falsehood.
Yes the Kashmir issue IS A RELIGIOUS JIHADI struggle.

Change the Demographics of Kashmir to make it a HINDU majority state and you will see all
the problem disappear in one go.

Sanjak Kak is a moron and traitor who suffers from Stolkholm syndrome.

As far as Geelani's promise, you can kick it in the wastepaper basket.

Did not old and approaching death M A Jinnah also not make the same promise in 1947.

Where are the minorities in Pakistan now.

Mr. Magazine you need courage and conviction and logic before you reply to my message.

Raman 14 hours ago

Mr. Magazine should ask himself which Mr. Geelani should he trust? One who, while in Kashmir , not too long ago said that Kashmiri Pandits could return only if they apologized, and then agreed to join the so called Movement, and respect Sharia law (a code word for abiding by it) or the one who while in New Delhi and out of political expediency talks about brotherhood. I think Kashmiri Pandits should not be so easy to please when they have been hounded out and humiliated. If deliberate excesses have been committed against Kashmiri moslems who are innocent, I am all for prosecuting the offenders to the fullest. But not for a moment am I willing to buy this notion that separatists are saints. Having grown up in Srinagar, I know history quite well

Wah 16 hours ago

True = Kashmiri muslims are alienated from India today!

But Mr Magazine, tell me one country in the world where a segment of the population is not alienated from the nation. In New Zealand you have the Maoris, in Australia you have the aborigines - you name a country and there will be examples.

In your dim wit logic should all of them be given 'azaidi'. Bravo - you will have more than a million azad countries that way!!!

Candor 16 hours ago

Pradeep Magazine is basically a sports writer. The problem with so call intellectuals is that they do not address an issue from the bottom. Muslims had come to India with invading muslims and virtually settled here. However, they are not aboriginals and therefore, any person settled on a foreign land cannot seek independence just because they are in majority. Indians are in majority at many places in the world. Are they demanding independence from those countries ? Will those countries heed Indians if Indians start demanding independence from those countries ?

Despite so much Indian army presence, Kashmir Pandits have to leave Kashmir. Why Congress Govt. does not take steps to rehabilitate them in Kashmir under Indian forces security. Kashmiri Pandits are aboriginals of Kashmir and real owners. Muslims are not aboriginals therefore, have no right though they have turned in majority because of their religion allowing them to produce kids like pigs. India should not have given Pakistan and Bangladesh also and all these muslims should have been dragged out of entire India. If India could not do at that time, now India has the capabilities to at least throw them out in Kashmir.

Hindus need to unite to counter this threat in whole world. In India, muslims population have grown to 18% and with their tendency to live together, they general turn to majority in their areas and start demanding independence. There is hardly any reaction from muslims to revolting muslims in Kashmir which can be seen in discussions here also.

Kashmir had accessed to India legitimately as Kashmir was Hindu state ruled by Hindu king. Muslims had come to Kashmir as laborers under the King and therefore, have no right to claim the land.

India should quell this demand but Central Govt. approach is weak by sending interlocutors. India should lift article 370 and muslim population should be dispersed to end their majority and claim on the land. India should also press Pak to hand over POK with a deadline otherwise, should not afraid from taking military action to get the area vacated. We are ready to face nuke attacks than living with problems on daily basis.

Candor 49 minutes ago in reply to Arun

Muslims came and mingled with Shavite traditions of Kashmir means they are not aboriginals. Therefore, they have no right to demand independence from India. However, that is what islam preach. Wherever in the world, muslims turn in majority, they start seeking independence. Chechnya in Russia is another came and India can learn how they are fighting against muslims insurgency. All agitating people are pushed into mountainous areas and living in freezing cold. India is not acting at all against these separatists. With people seeing no action, most of local people also join these separatists as they look for their benefit. What muslims got from Pakistan and Bangladesh ? A large section of society is poor. Pakistan is already a failed state.

IndianFirst 14 hours ago

I don't understand the point this article is trying to make , every coin has another face ,if ownership of Kashmir is in question then we should not only see the plight of Kashmiri Muslims only ,and my point is if you have to weigh atrocities of people and ownership of Kashmir why only retrospect 20 years or 60 years ,why not go back to year 1400 when first Muslim ruler entered and started the Bloodbath.

Its not that only people of Kashmir has suffered but even other parts of India has also seen atrocities,all the terrorist acts committed were in the name of aazad Kashmir only.

Lets have a plebiscite include all the people ( all Indian states, all the people who were victims of terror).don't get into any idea that only Kashmiris are the victims ,millions of terror effected Indian are also victims.

Land of Kashmir was always India since the time immemorial.

Vik6666 5 hours ago in reply to shashank

so true. the puriks of kargil became muslim from buddhist under the sword but still they are oppressed by the kashmiri rulers. less said about the oppression of jammu people, ladakhis, buddhists, hindus, sikhs the better. its easy to keep subdividing in the name of azaadi. till each housboat on the dal is a separate country? instead lets put our energies in unifying. let kashmir stop being the unfinished business of a bankrupt discredited theory of partition and move on to being a bridge of reconciliation.

an azad kashmir will not last five minutes before it becomes a colony of islamabad. justlike gilgit-baltistan, pakhtun-kha, baluchistan and sindh. pakistan is not a normal conuntry or nation, it is merely a sunni muslim punjabi army and feudal kleptocracy that has a jagiri over a piece of land. 90% of ordainry pakistani citizens are oppressed. forget about hindus, buddhists or sikhs, even shias, ahmediyas, bohras, sufis, barelvis are not safe in pakistan.

just to wrap oneself in ones ultra-liberal credentials, doesn't mean these columnists should gloss over the cold facts.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Jammu celebrates anniversary of state's accession with India

Jammu celebrates anniversary of state's accession with India
2010-10-26 15:50:00


Jammu, Oct 26 (IANS) Several functions were held across this winter capital city of Jammu and other places in the region Tuesday as part of celebrations of the 64th accession day of Jammu and Kashmir with India.

The Indian tricolour was hoisted in almost all localities and at main crossings in the city. Men, women and children came out in strength at all the places and sang the national anthem after unfurling the tricolour. Sweets were also distributed by participants to celebrate the day.

Many people greeted one another with 'Happy Vilay Divas' or 'Happy Accession Day'.

It was on Oct 26, 1947 that the last Dogra king Maharaja Hari Singh had signed the accession of his princely state with India. The accession was ratified among others by Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, grandfather of Chief Minister Omar Abdullah.

Sheikh Abdullah's endorsement of the accession of Jammu and Kashmir with India is recorded in his autobiography 'Aatish-e-Chinar'.

'It is a message to the world that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India,' said Mohinder Sharma, a resident of Gandhi Nagar. Others echoed him.

Almost all political parties of Jammu have joined hands to celebrate the accession of the state with India as a rebuff to the separatists in Kashmir.

The celebrations this year are being held on a large scale, provoked by Chief Minister Omar Abdullah's statement in the assembly raising a question mark over the nature of the accession with India. He has added to the controversy by repeatedly talking of Pakistan's role in the Kashmir issue.

'It's an act of severe irresponsibility by the chief minister who is in office because of the Indian constitution and still publicly displays lack of faith in the state's accession with India. This is unacceptable,' said Sunil Sethi, president of the Jammu Bar Association.

All About: National,--select--, Jammu Bar Association

Sunday, October 24, 2010

'Opposing AFSPA is to play into separatists' hands' Press Trust Of India - Hindustan Times

'Opposing AFSPA is to play into separatists' hands'
Press Trust Of India

New Delhi, October 24, 2010

courtesy: http://www.hindustantimes.com/Opposing-AFSPA-is-to-play-into-separatists-hands/Article1-617191.aspx

 Hitting out at those clamouring for dilution of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), Army Chief Gen V K Singh said that the Act is being used as a "beating stick" by the separatists in Jammu and Kashmir. "We are unnecessarily playing into the hands of separatists for whom this is a beating stick,"

Gen Singh said in a candid interview during which he spoke on Kashmir, allegations of human rights violations and security scenario in the region.

The AFSPA was being "unnecessarily demonised" although it had "nothing to do with the present unrest (in Kashmir)", he said while firmly sticking to his opposition to any withdrawal or even dilution of the Act which gives the Army vast powers to deal with insurgents.

Any move to make AFSPA non-applicable to selected areas of the state by denotifying them from the list of 'Disturbed Areas' also does not find favour with the General.

"It has got no meaning," he emphasised as a "person who has been involved in Kashmir for such a long time".

Gen Singh was clear that non-applicability of the AFSPA to specific areas would not do. "I don't find any logic in all this," he asserted.

His strong opposition to any dilution of the AFSPA comes in the backdrop of demands by the Jammu and Kashmir government, separatists and others for dilution or partial lifting of the Act.

Recently, there were reports that certain districts may be removed from the list of 'Disturbed Areas' which would mean that the Act would not apply there.

It was clear from the General's remarks that he was critical of the state administration's handling of the unrest in Kashmir in recent months during which 111 people have died.

"The state administration could have been better in tackling the way things started," he said.

Rajur 11 hours ago

Kashmiris separatist leaders are making fool of our mainland leaders who have no idea of AFSPA. Its the army which deals with this and not the police, and presently its the police in most of Kashmir.
If the government dilute AFSPA, it will be better to forget employment of army for ever anywhere they need hereafter.
A tiger without teeth and paws can not even catch a rabbit.

BJP slams Kashmir interlocutors for Pakistan remark Indo-Asian News Service - Hindustan Times

BJP slams Kashmir interlocutors for Pakistan remark
Indo-Asian News Service

New Delhi, October 24, 2010

courtesy: http://www.hindustantimes.com/BJP-slams-Kashmir-interlocutors-for-Pak-remark/Article1-617254.aspx#disqus_thread

 Describing the comments of the interlocutors on Jammu and Kashmir "as if they are rationalising Pakistan's stand on its 'unfinished agenda' on Kashmir", the Bharatiya Janata Party on Sunday demanded a clarification from the Prime Minister's Office. The party said the PMO should clarify if this was part of the brief given to the interlocutors.

"It seems as if the panel (of three interlocutors) is arguing for the (pro-freedom) Hurriyat angle," BJP spokesperson Nirmala Sitharaman said in a statement in New Delhi.

Sitharaman was referring to a statement of Dilip Padgaonkar, one of the three interlocutors, in Srinagar Saturday that Pakistan has to be involved for a permanent solution of the Kashmir issue.

Padgaonkar said: "We are here to look for a permanent solution to the Kashmir issue…but a permanent solution is not possible without the involvement of Pakistan."

"Any attempt to have a comprehensive solution without Pakistan's involvement is not possible. Pakistan has to be involved," he added.

The BJP spokersperson said the party wondered "if this is a part of the brief which has been given to the panel of interlocutors".

The interlocutors were expected to engage with various citizens' groups to understand the ground realities and to engage with the citizens from various quarters, she pointed out.

"But the comment made, even as they are about to start their assignment, is unnecessarily internationalising the process," she said.

"What is the Pakistan dimension that the interlocutor is referring to?" the BJP leader questioned.

"Is this a part of the brief given or has he stepped beyond their (the panel's) brief?" Sitharaman asked.

The central government Oct 13 appointed a three-member team of interlocutors - senior journalist Dilip Padgaonkar, academic Radha Kumar and former Central Information Commissioner MM Ansari - to interact with political and social groups and individuals and to suggest ways to defuse the crisis in Jammu and Kashmir.

Indiafirst 4 hours ago

Padgaonkar should know that already Pakistan is very much living inside Kashmir. What is that 'more' involvement? Are we inviting them to start terror schools inside India as well? Over last 63 years we restricted entry of India with article 370,while Pakistan pushed inside Pakistanis to poison innocent Kashmiris and the result is what we are facing now. Kashmir has been made almost an extended Pakistan.
What solution we are thinking now,even if we interact with hard,semi hard,soft liners along with Kasmiri Indians. We are at wit's end, only history will tell what is in store.

Johnson Thomas Karingozhakal 5 hours ago

Padgaonkar is the man who claimed on an NDTV item that he looks up to Kosambi for inspiration!!!

I can bet my bottom dollar all these three members are leftists to the core! They will only do stuff that will advance China's interests not India's national interest as protecting Indian national interest is a dirty word and idea for them.

Nathan_rkv 4 hours ago in reply to ANUPAM

Look how Arundhati Roy is sitting next to Geelani under the warmth of his tool and proudly endorsing his anti India stand. Dude, it is possible only in India, if they would be have been elsewhere just imagine what would have been there fate. It is the Congress led government, which makes the majority Hindus to feel insecure in their own motherland and eventual persecution. How sad, the people of India elect these thugs back to power again and again !

Dorothy 5 hours ago

Padgaonkar has never been known for his capabilities. As an editor, he ranked at the bottom. The paper he presides over has become a joke!

And the joke of a government that we have at the Center has decided to entrust this intractable problem of Kashmir to a man such as this!

The BJP is right in demanding an explanation from these jokers who are on the verge of splitting this country, with their policies of minority appeasement.

Manu 2 hours ago

It is not only Arundhat Roy - Teesta Setalvad - Sagarika Ghose - Bharkha Dutt - Gautam Navlakha are threat to India but lot more in " Family Limited Companies ".

Deep 3 hours ago

The dictionary definition of interlocutors is "someone who informally explains the views of a government and also can relay messages back to a government." Thus, many comments in this blog condeming Padgaonkar are just shooting the messenger. If Padgaonkar is merely expressing the views of the disfunctional Indian PM and his Goverment, the comments should be directed at the Goverment. If on the other hand, Padgaonkar has exceeded his authority in stating what is not the view of the goverment, he should be fired.

Ambu 1 hour ago

TOI, IE, HT, The Hindu,NDTV,Bollywood,Tollywood,Congress Highcommand are run fromVatican City.
Their aim is to promote are anti-hindu , anti-muslim, anti- Indian culture THEME and occupy the country through street dog culture.
The recent negative attitude on RS from those forces is only to THREATEN RSS not to obstruct the Vatican agenda.

m s reddy 1 hour ago

interlocutors are supposed to hear and not express views in the beginning of their mission. it pre-empts their judgement. Padgoankar does not maitain that balance and it looks he is unfit for the job. more so when main opposition makes comments, he should not react and take it in right sense. if he could not bear criticism it is disqualification. it is seen he is used by PM to use such language - in other words he is acting as Congress front man.

Dattagupta 3 hours ago

With friends like Padgoankar India will probably need to look friends among LeT, Al-Qeda or ISI. This despicable man is in the same league as Arundhiti Roy and various islamist outfits who see all the problems in their universe stemming from Hindus, and the Muslims being the innocent victims. In India, where secular has altogether weird definition, are precondition for acceptance and getting accolades as being uber-secular intellectual of distinction. One must ask why has Chidambram not stated what is the precise remit of these interlocutors, and more importantly why was there a not a balanced representation of all the views, and lack of presentation of interest of the sizeable and largely marginalised and long suffering minorities Pundits and of J&K Hindus, Shias and Ladhakis? The state is only awarding those who, like Sunnis, are involved in terrorism, and thereby encouraging the above minorities to do the very same? What has BJP to say about this marginalization?

Rishikesh9658 4 hours ago

The c ongress party by allowing Hurruyat leader to give sermon for azadi in New Delhi has proved that it is anti national party. By allowing the interlocutors to speak for Pakistan the party has lost all the respect. There is no problem for congress party to hand over mulim dominateed kashmit to Pakistan as it was its founder Nehrujis wish. If India is forced to hand ovcer kashmir then Sonia has to take asylum in Italy

Bnvenkataraman,Lucknow 2 hours ago

I agree with Uttam Sarkar
This Padgaonkar is a Congress man. Congres has created this Kashmir problem in the first place.
This Dilip Padgoankar has given enough clue in Times of India on the next day's issue of Ayodhya verdict for Muslims to go for Supreme court.
He is quite intelligent to give his reasoning but does not show enough partriatism in each and every issue.
He is one of the guy in leading division of India on religious grounds.

If Pakistan splinters... By Bharat Verma

If Pakistan splinters...
By Bharat Verma

Issue: Net Edition | Date: 20 October, 2010

COURTESY: http://www.indiandefencereview.com/military-/If-Pakistan-splinters.html

The Chinese will suffer major setback, if dysfunctional Pakistan splinters in the near future.

Many Malaysian Muslims will hasten to tell you that their country should not be compared to Pakistan. Or the migrant Muslims in West Asia (Middle East) while introducing themselves take pains to assert that they are Muslims from India and not Pakistan.

Impaired Pakistan is a cause of deep worry for Beijing, since Islamabad’s capability to tie-down India by launching terrorist attacks will also suffer.

Serious contradictions within Pakistan have pushed it in the pit of despair from where; it is almost impossible to recover. It is reported that many young Pakistanis out of sheer frustration are repudiating Islam and converting to other religions.

Possibly, majority of the Pakistan’s dominant community, Punjabi Sunni Muslims living in their isolated world of self-destruction do not realize the damage they are doing to Islam.

Pakistan is appears to be hurtling towards self-destruction.

Beijing treats Pakistan as an extension of its war machine and a surrogate colony. The likely breakup of Pakistan in the near future will stall expanding Chinese footprints.

Impaired Pakistan is a cause of deep worry for Beijing, since Islamabad’s capability to tie-down India by launching terrorist attacks will also suffer.

If Pakistan splinters, there will be enormous gains for India.

PoK will revert back to the Indian fold and peace will prevail. This is the singular reason for Chinese to move their troops into PoK. The strategy is two-fold. First, occupy or gain influence over as much occupied Indian Territory as possible, incase Pakistan breaks up.

Second, to keep up the pressure on Indian borders since Pakistan is no position to do the same, given its present internal disarray. Further, China does not want India to be emboldened to mount an attack on Pakistan, which is already gasping for oxygen.

With the break-up of Pakistan, ISI activities like export of fake Indian currency and infiltration of terrorists through Nepal will cease. Anti-India rabble rousing by ISI inspired elements in Bangladesh against India will no longer be possible.

If Pakistan splinters, there will be enormous gains for India.

The Union of India’s consolidation and integration as a nation will get a new fillip, as the distraction created by Pakistan in the name of religion is eliminated.

India then will be able to concentrate on the principal threat posed by China.

Fragmented Pakistan will lesson the heavy financial burden placed on India’s economy with drastic reduction in the security apparatus. This will enable young India to make rapid economic strides that can outpace ageing China in a short span of time.

Similarly, colossal gains accrue to the West, if Pakistan splinters.

The West led by America is losing the plot in Afghanistan because the problem is the Pakistan Army and its Irregular Forces led by General Kayani. Washington was forced to admit recently this worst kept secret, when its supply routes to Afghanistan were snapped by GHQ Rawalpindi and NATO convoys carrying fuel to Afghanistan were conveniently torched by the ISI controlled Ghost Army of Jihad with impunity.

American attempts to unhook Pakistan from China will continue to fail despite the dangling of carrot of modern weapons and technology as Islamabad’s strategic dependency on Beijing is now irreversible.

The ‘real estate’ of Pakistan was created so that the West could monitor and manipulate the former Soviet Union, China and India.

However, if Pakistan falls apart, Sind which has very strong democratic yearning is certain to charter its own independent path but in consonance with Indian value system.

Independent Baluchistan with its rich resources will be definitely against the Chinese, who in conjunction with Islamabad are exploiting its resources. Denial of Gawdar port will preclude Chinese navy from the warm waters of Indian Ocean and direct access to West Asia.

Afghanistan will gradually witness unhindered growth of democracy; the spoilers Pakistan Army with ISI would have disappeared.

Therefore, democracies will find many friendly places to operate from and access the resources of Central Asia to the mutual benefit of all players.

The biggest gain for the democracies will be that China’s expanding authoritarian influence will be sharply curtailed. Also the Jihad fervor being orchestrated in this part of the world by the Punjabi Sunnis will die a natural death due to fatigue and lack of resources.

The spread of two authoritarian streams, Chinese communism and the Islamic fundamentalism, in combination or otherwise, threaten the survival of democracies in Asia.

Similarly, colossal gains accrue to the West, if Pakistan splinters.

If Pakistan splinters, one of the threats will be substantially neutralized.

This in turn will make Central Asia a safer place where Pakistan aims to attain strategic depth with the help of Islamic fundamentalists.

If Pakistan splinters, Sinkiang in China will face renewed instability and the Chinese flank in occupied Tibet will come under severe pressure.

With independent Sind and Baluchistan, the Chinese supply lines from Gawdar would not be possible. This will force China to revert to ‘peaceful rise’ instead of laying claim on territory or islands of other nations.

The power of the Shias will increase, thus creating a balance with some of the Sunni sects that are mainly responsible for terrorist acts worldwide. Two successive British Prime Ministers have stated Pakistan accounts for 75 percent of all such acts.

If Pakistan splinters, this percentage will drop to abysmal levels.

Most often remarks on Pakistan are prefaced by, “ Just like you Indians cannot live with Pakistan...”

This premise is false. An average Indian can live with Pakistan, as long as Islamabad does not interfere in internal affairs or connive against India. It is irrelevant whether India dialogues, trades or maintains diplomatic relationship with Pakistan; growth of the Indian economy or the growing status of India is not even remotely connected with failure or success of Islamabad. The ‘Pakistan Story’ failed because of the inherent flaws in the values professed and not because of “Kashmir”! The “Indian Story “ shows success because of its belief in secular democratic values.

The truth therefore is that “Pakistan cannot live with India.” The converse is absolutely preposterous.

If Pakistan splinters, it will hit the biggest stakeholder and benefactor China. In order to safeguard its strategic interests, Beijing therefore will make every endeavor to prevent the breakup of Pakistan, even to the extent of military intervention in support of the Pakistan Army.

If Pakistan splinters, forces led by Barak Obama will win. On the contrary, if China is successful in its intervention, authoritarian regimes will hold sway in Asia.

Who wins the great game in Asia, will depend on the finesse with which the cards are dealt by the contending sides.

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About the author

Bharat Verma, a former Cavalry Officer is Editor, Indian Defence Review, frequently appears on television as a commentator, and is author of the books, Fault Lines and Indian Armed Forces

Fight the Terrorist Like a Terrorist By Bharat Verma

Fight the Terrorist Like a Terrorist
By Bharat Verma

Issue: Vol 16.3 July-Sep 2001 | Date: 22 October, 2010

COURTESY: http://www.indiandefencereview.com/military-/Fight-the-Terrorist-Like-a-Terrorist.html

The Ghost That Came Back to Haunt. These statements are true. First, While exiting Afghanistan, America left behind 5 billion dollars worth of sophisticated arms in the hand of terrorists. This ultimately fanned the Islamic fundamentalist movement against us. Make no mistake about it. That we and we alone have been fighting this menace of jehad for the last twelve years without outside support.

Second. America organised narcotics traffic to defeat the former Soviet Union. Result: Annual estimated income of twelve billion dollars accrues from narcotics and drugs trade to Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is the single critical factor which has disallowed the collapse of Pakistan’s wobbling economy so far.

Destruction of the Jehad Factory in our backyard will effect a set back of at least twenty-five years.

Third. Jehad is nuclear tipped because of America turning a blind eye to the activities of its former ally over the years.

Fourth. Pakistan has been propped up against India by vested interests in a variety of ways in the past decades. To enmesh and weaken India. Fifth. Finally the ghost of Terrorism came full circle to haunt America.

Yet, this extraordinary tragedy on the American soil (though we have paid a much bigger price on our Western Front in the last twelve years) calls for global war on terrorism. No single country (including America) is capable of uprooting it on its own. Thus, while protecting and furthering our interests, New Delhi must convert this into an opportunity. Let’s not shy away from waging a decisive war against growing threats. By attempts to dictate what women are allowed to wear or a child is simply shot to convey the message that India must desist from aligning with America against Taliban.

In Agra. This is a direct challenge to the individual freedom guaranteed by the Indian Constitution. Are we going to live in fear? Therefore, this is not the time to score debating points. But an opportunity to lend support to the Gal so that it may finally firmly resolve to deal with terrorism.

Between the Rock and a Hard Place. Unlike New Delhi, Washington was not amused when Musharrafs Freedom Fighters landed directly at the Twin Towers. The turn of events on 11 September placed Pakistan between the rock and a hard place. If it ignores American demands for cooperation and military facilities, the fury of the American military and economic might will be directed against it in addition to Afghanistan.

Unlike New Delhi, Washington was not amused when Musharrafs Freedom Fighters landed directly at the Twin Towers.

On the other hand, Islamabad’s assent will create an unprecedented turmoil internally between the Mujahideen groups and Musharraf, as well as within Afghanistan and Pakistan. The self appointed President already faces dissent within the military establishment. Either way, it’s a no-win situation. ISI’s (which controls Islam’s Army of Terror) mischief making capabilities will be degraded considerably.

In the unfolding scenario (and in spite of China’s support) Islamabad’s wings are about to be clipped. But, then Pakistan has been in a self-destruct mode for decades.
Fight the Terrorist Like a Terrorist

To win the war against terrorism, America will need to judiciously combine its technological prowess and military superiority with countries that have experienced and trained manpower in Low Intensity Conflict. Operationally this is a manpower intensive task as human intelligence (HUMINT) will deliver more for the buck than mere satellite imagery.

Similarly, to prevail upon the enemy Special Forces will need to fight the terrorist like a terrorist. This again calls for deployment of large human resources scarce in the United States.

Capture of Osama the individual may provide good sound bites but the danger comes from Osama bin Laden as a motivation to thousands of Islamic terrorists. The direction of war waged should aim to deconstruct this lethal mindset.

The countries that can assist America are India and Russia, latter for the influence it commands and intelligence operations it can conduct. China will neither interfere nor extend help due to close links with Pakistan and Taliban. However, the key to this war remains in thinking like a (or ahead of the) terrorist. Infiltrating his networks, denying fuel and food supplies, causing rifts, sowing suspicions between groups, extending support to dissent, disrupting communications, by taking the war into the enemy heartland, inflicting destruction which raises the cost and launching of the psychological warfare. American action in the aftermath of 11 September is a recent example of conduct of psywar.

... but the danger comes from Osama bin Laden as a motivation to thousands of Islamic terrorists. The direction of war waged should aim to deconstruct this lethal mindset.

While the United States marshals its resources, it has through calibrated statements put on notice the Islamic fundamentalist outfits. Even before Noble Eagle is operative, relationships between Afghanistan and Pakistan stand ruptured and the groundswell against Musharraf regime is snowballing into a fireball. The enemy is in disarray.

It is difficult for America and allies to simultaneously focus military-cum-intelligence attention to demolish the large terrorist network girdling the globe at one go. The counter strategy, therefore, ought to hinge on going for the jugular.

Destruction of the Jehad Factory in our backyard will effect a set back of at least twenty-five years. Hence America and allies should carry out clean surgical air strikes over Afghanistan and induct troops to occupy strategic high ground. Dismantle the terrorist networks and install a liberal regime like the Northern Alliance. Deinduct the ground forces at an appropriate time. Bring to justice terrorists from Afghanistan and Pakistan. Security implications for India in the evolving matrix are no worse or better than they were earlier.

However, if New Delhi can stiffen its political spine, put its military muscle where the mouth is and activate a counter proxy war policy, it can succeed in developing a strategic corridor to resource rich Central Asia. Conversely, a nation that does not dare to wage a ruthless war against terrorism can never win.

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About the author

Bharat Verma, a former Cavalry Officer is Editor, Indian Defence Review, frequently appears on television as a commentator, and is author of the books, Fault Lines and Indian Armed Forces